Tips to Get an Internship in Australia as an International Student


Australia offers amazing internship opportunities for international students, making it a prime destination for career advancement. With international business hubs like Sydney and Melbourne, as well as its stunning natural landscapes, Australia provides the perfect blend of work and travel experiences. From Bondi Beach to the Sydney Opera House, and from the Great Barrier Reef to the Gold Coast theme parks, there are countless activities to enjoy while interning in Australia. An internship here allows you to work for world-class companies and immerse yourself in a rich cultural environment, setting you up for a successful career.

How to Get an Internship in Australia?

Looking to snag an internship Down Under? Landing an internship in Australia can give your career a major boost. Here are some tips to help you score that dream internship:

  1. Decide When and Where to Go: Consider the academic schedule, weather, and location when deciding on your internship timing and destination in Australia.

  2. Research Industries and Companies: Australia offers a diverse market, so research various industries and companies to find the right fit for your internship.

  3. Check Visa Requirements: Ensure you meet all visa requirements for international students, and apply for the appropriate visa type for your internship conditions.

  4. Tailor Your Application: Customize your CV and cover letter to highlight your skills and align with the internship's requirements.

  5. Apply to Various Internship Options: Apply to multiple companies and follow their application deadlines and procedures.

  6. Prepare Financially: Have a sound financial plan for the duration of your internship, considering daily expenses and potential remuneration.

Best Locations in Australia for Internships

Australia offers a wealth of internship opportunities across different industries and locations. Some of the best locations for internships in Australia include:

  • Sydney

  • Melbourne

  • Brisbane

Are Internships Paid in Australia?

Many internships in Australia are paid, although the compensation can vary based on the industry and type of work. Paid internships are typically offered by larger companies, while smaller companies or non-profits may offer unpaid internships.

Work Culture in Australia

Australian work culture emphasizes punctuality, patience, and open communication. Casual interactions and open communications are common, creating a relaxed yet productive work environment.

Visa Requirements for Internships in Australia

While there is no specific visa for internships, you can apply for visas such as the Temporary Activity Visa (Subclass 408), Student Visa (Subclass 500), or Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485), depending on your internship conditions and duration.

More Important Requirements for Interning in Australia

  • Valid passport with at least 6 months validity

  • Student status or recent graduation within 24 months

  • Age over 18 years

  • Health insurance coverage

  • English proficiency (e.g., IELTS)

Securing an internship in Australia can be competitive, but with the right strategies, you can land a valuable internship experience. Australia's diverse and multicultural environment provides not only quality work experience but also an enjoyable stay. For more information about studying in Australia, contact our international education experts at IDP. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!